Sunday, February 4, 2018

7. University Entrance Exam

TN: I am not really confident how i translate this one, well I still translate it to be understandable. Enjoy!

Three years later, I experience this, I stop studying for the college exam to investigate it. (TN: I really don't get this line "さらに三年後、これに味をしめた俺は、勉強そっちのけで大学を調べた") 

Then I found this one unusual school. 

Ninomae university, an unusual school where everyone pass in a single entrance exam. (TN: 二前にのまえ大学 Name of the university) 

It seems that the founder declare two pre-requsite which is "Untalented guy is not needed at my University". 

A university where only those talented one can enter. 

It is said only talented person can be accept at this level, and those who are not "will not be accepted", it can be said that it is a difficult university in a sense. 

There is no counter-measures. 

It is where ordinary person avoid, Even if you challenge it, it is a University where efforts doesn't matter.

My talent is that I am lucky. 

So as expected my talent should be perfect for this university. 

"If I am lucky, i should pass whatever exams I have", so that entrance exam was done to test the my luck. 

 In the first test, there are one hundred ping-pong balls and only 3 are with colors, and by taking three at random, I will passed if I take all 3 colored ping-pong balls. 

I thought I will probably fine, So I picked three from the box at once and pulled them out, and it was a hit. 

Turning the box over, and all that remains are white. 

I truly have a strong luck. In the second exam, I was told that I will pass if I can come to the second exam venue without a notice specifying the date, time and place. 

They will only wait for about thirty minutes after the start of the exam and I will failed if I did not come. 

Nine days after the first exam, I came walking to the a town which I crossed 3 town to get to. 

While I was resting in a small park in a the residential area, a familiar face appeared, I looked stupid when I saw it. 

"Why are you here?" I remembered with that voice. He is one of the examiners whose in charge of my college entrance exam. 

"... ...Just somehow?" (TN: Same way he answer the alien on chapter 5 " なんとなく") 


I have no choice but to answer, but after seeing me as thought i was stupid, I put power to my shoulder and pulled out my documents from my bag. 

"I do not know exactly why you are here .... But you pass, this is the venue of your second exam, the exam began in five minutes, and the exam was about to end by noon .... I did not expect you to come" 

I got my acceptance letter from the examiner who looks exhausted and decided to enter the university. 

 Since I entered such a university, there are no changes in class. (TN: Not sure about this line " 同期の奴らも変わった者ばかりだった。") 

I guess it is because of that. 

I came up to the point just before graduation, without even acquiring general education at the university. 

 So I believe in my luck and try not to go against the turning point of life as much as possible. 

That's why I immediately came to see the field after my father told me about it.

Author Note : The flashback will ends with the next story as 
university entrance examination.

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  1. Why should i care about the MC. His luck is so good that he hasn't had to try for anything in his life but still gets in to the best school. If this was a story about his brother then i could find some interest in reading this story but i can't seem to care how this incredible lucky person gets even more lucky and owns a star and everything around said star. The MC reminds me of silk pants in other stories

  2. 同期の奴らも変わった者ばかりだった = He is basically saying that his (either the MC or the examiner's students in the same year or colleagues are also weirdoes
